Saturday, March 15, 2008

Little Red Riding Hood- Wolf Monolouge *From Last Year*

"I haven't eaten for days"I wimpered."Well actually I made a great lemon merange pie yeasterday!Prodly and excitedly.
"But I haven't eaten meat for ages!" "At first, I tried to catch a rabbit, with a net.I did. It struggled for ages, I knew I had it,
But I think I should have checked the net first. Because it found a hole and ran away, I got so frustrated I could have crushed nuts with my bare hand.
"Then I tried to catcha fish, with my paws, which failed. So I tried with my teeth, which also failed, but successfully got me soaked.”
So I tried the old fashioned way, with a fishing rod and a boat in the middle of no where.I sat in that boat all day and all I got was some painful sunburn.
The only good thing about the sunburn was it cooked my flea's. Well, I'm not exctually telling the whole truth when I say I caught nothing.
I caught a shark and it tried to eat me, so I cut the line, but it kept coming back rocking the boat, I got so scared, I literally ran across the water,
all the way back to shore. (Which is big for me because I have the worst fear of water and the worst sunburn).”
"Never going back there again, ever!! So I finally gave up and went to the butcher's instead.And made a beautiful marinated and seasoned chops.
Dilicio!Delicious! Well, I think all meat is delicious, oh, except that horrible stuff, what is it called, the gross stuff is trying to stop people like me
eating meat,oh,the discrace, the stuff, the taste.
Who wouldn't like meat,seriously,tut, tut.
Well, actually I know some people that don't eat meat, like my friend Rhonda, she's a turtle, it's really weird she dosn't eat meat.
It's just so delicious.(Look and Drewl). I don't know how she resists.I mean, if someone waved a nice juicy,marinated steak under my nose,
she'd got in the face (Greener than she already was).And then run away into the bathroom. I mean seriously! Ah-ha the word finally came to me,
that's the word, I hate soo much. The word is. "Tofu, Tofu for sale anyone want some nice tofu chops even tofu hotdogs or mabey even a tofu Hamburger.
"Scram, stupid food replacer.(Scared person run off stage, with cart swerving side to side.).
Now back to what I was saying."
"Soy Products,Soy Products for sale" When do these people ever give up!
"Soy Hot Dogs and everything that meat can make we have here just ask. Scram, Bucco."
"How,How did you know your name" He Stuttered
"Lucky guess I suppose, now beat it!!Now I was saying."
"Beans, Beans For Sale, a great meat substitute!"
"Oh! I give up!"
"What's his problem, oh well, Beans For Sale.

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