Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Drama 2007
Monologue- Diary Entry

Today went horribly,Ok,, yes I see that very(highly)confused look on your face, so to make you understand fully,,
I guess I have to tell you what happened, to tell you my story, I really don't want to but seeing as I'm not going to hear the end of it.
So I will. Well here it goes

I was wandering along minding my own business,, when I overheard someone talking about cookies, or was it muffins, I can't remember, then I started feeling hungry
, So I was going to go home and start eating one of my Easter eggs.
And before any of you start asking questions, no I was not stalking Little Red Riding Hood, we just happened to cross paths
I asked her where she was going, she told me, then only because I thought she looked like fun, I decided to ask her to race me.
She accepted, and that thing I said about the whole "Silly Little girl, I'm going to gobble you up" thing,,
I was referring to my Easter egg, it was in the shape of a little girl, and I was going to go buy one on the way home.
But then the whole race thing started, I decided to pick one up in the way to her Grandmother's house.
I knew I would get there before she would because I had found a short cut through the woods the day before.
So I picked one up and ate it on the way, when I got half the way I found a box of Grr-ate muffins, so I decided to sell them, seeing that when I was little I was in the Grr-ate club and used to sell those muffins, "Grr-ate Muffins are what we supply we know how to make you buy".
I got to grannies house with a while to spare. I got my breath back and put on my muffin-selling face on, to some it was Creepy and Scary,
To others it was Cute and Handsome.
So knocked on the door, I was half way through saying the club name and she screamed, not one of those screams like when someone gives you a fright but
But one when you see a Huge, Horrible, Hairy Black Spider, and you scream as loud as you can until someone comes and squishes it,
Or puts it outside or whatever they do with it. I don't know, I seem to always be the one that screams.
Anyway she screamed, for what it seemed like a second I blacked out and when I woke up the poor dear was in the closet
And No, she hadn't bought any muffins, I know how sad and it's for charity! Ugh!
I know how sad but back to the story. I was wearing this hideous floral something that is better not thought about.
I don't even know if you could call it a dress, and lying in a bed, in a room that smelt like old people. Not that I have anything against them,
Just you know they have that weird smell.
Then Little Red Riding Hood came, I tried to tell her to come in but my voice went all high pitched. Then I blacked out again and when I woke up this time, Little Red Riding Hood was screaming and this abnormally large man was running into the room.
I don't know if he was fat or just big boned. He was I think the word was wielding yeah wielding an axe, shouting stuff in Gibberish, I tried to get him to say things slower, but then he swung with the axe and nearly hit my ear.
I was so scared frightened and sad, I ran all the way to my parents house, stayed there and cried with my mum and ate ice-cream (which usually makes things better) , When dad got home I left to come back here because all the tears had dried up and we could barely move because of all the ice-cream we ate. I took a cab home and now here I am, sitting here talking to you.

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