Monday, July 28, 2008


Happy, Bubbly, Funny and a total chatterbox!
At first sight you rush straight into a soft, warm bear hug.
Strong arms holding you tight, a smile on his weathered face, new stubble on his chin and cheeks.
His voice so cheerful, comforting and familiar.With a kiss on my forehead, you slowly and reluctantly pull away.
Tall, strong and imposing are a few of his features. Though not so imposing that he is unaproachable. Callused hands, scarred limbs and tools everywhere.
He is a Builder, he works with metals, wood,and every other buliding, plumbing, electrical piece of equipment you can think of.
So many scars from working on so many different progects, I guess like father like daughter.
He is the life of the family, he easily makes the most dreary person laugh at the most stupidest of things.

Yes, he is my dad.
Alec, though frustrating, he is my dad and I love him.

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